Thursday, March 27, 2008


It was a beautiful late afternoon in San Francisco with clear air and a nice southwesterly breeze, so we decided to get ready and head out for an evening sail.

Flags on shore and on Telegraph Hill indicated a breeze of under 10 knots.

We raised single reefed main and put out full jib and headed west on the southweast breeze, passing the end of pier 39 where flags were also showing a breeze of about 6-8 knots.

The city was enjoying the super-clear ari and late sunshine... was Alcatraz Island.

Way over by the shore of Angel Island, a sailboat was headed east on the deliciouisly blue water.

Adventure Cat was northwest of us and ghosting toward the gate in a much lighter breeze north of Alcatraz.

We tacked to sail back into fresher breezes and watched as this tanker pulling a backwards-facing tug was heading northeast, and eventually turning to head north.

Along the cityfront, we spotted a small sailboat practicing, probably with some teenagers aboard and a sailing coach following them.

Fort Mason piers and the buildings on Russian Hill looked beautiful and vivid in the late afternoon sun.

As we approached the shore, we spotted three outrigger canoes racing down the cityfront, like this one in the lead.

We tacked and headed for the gate, and watched as ADVENTURE CAT was shooting the gate near the north tower.

The pilot boat blasted past us, heading for the gate and giving us a big wake.

A short time later, ADVENTURE CAT passed us to starboard, heading home....

... with skipper Hans piloting the cat and Bea as crew.

We sailed out the gate near midspan....

... and ducked out just a short distance, with the west side of the bridge showing the late sun color.

We came about and headed back downwind toward home port with the sun starting to set behind the Marin Headlands behind us.

The sun became a huge yellow ball, dipping into a gap in the hills of the headlands and looking spectacular!

After sundown, a somewhat colorful sunset followed.

We made good headway toward home port with a quite steady breeze, enjoying magic time on the bay as the city lights brightened on shore at dusk.

We made good headway toward home port with a quite steady breeze, enjoying magic time on the bay as the city lights brightened on shore at dusk.

It was twilight as we passed Aquatic Park with city lights brightening.

We pulled in the jib and then turned on the engine to begin motorsailing after passing Aquatic park, enjoying views of the city at dark.

We motorsailed into the lee of pier 35 to douse the main and get ready to land, then motored around and into port, landing with a bit of difficulty due to some substantial swell propagating through the marina. We were full of the usual pleasure from spending a few hours on the bay in ideal conditions with wonderful sights to behond!

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