Friday, September 5, 2008


Steve, the Aussie, joined us for our afternoon outing for the first time in a few months. We headed out at about 2:30 pm with moderate winds blowing after a morning of no to light winds.

We headed out into the central bay with a single-reefed main [expecting stronger winds to come up] and a double reefed jib and headed toward Alcatraz on the WSW breeze and eventually watched as our old pal ADVENTURE CAT headed out with just a few people on board.

Way in the east, the ALMA was sailing southward.

We approached the east shore of Alcatraz in freshening winds, but still okay with our canvas flying, and tacked to the south for a while and then tacked back to the west, sailing past the HUCK FINN fishing vessel....

... .with one of the fisherman on board having caught a big fish off the stern-- first time that we have seen this happen as we are passing.

We sailed between the HUCK FINN and the NEW RAYANN as we headed toward Sausalito ....

...and eventually were able to change course due to a wind shift to head toward Yellow Bluff, watching way off in the north as this sailboat was heading northeast with kite flying.

We sailed to near the shore of Yellow Bluff, arrived in some lee shore conditions, shortened the jib more and then headed across the bay, eventually spotting this kiteboarder crossing the gate ....

... and then gybing to pass directly astern of us...

... and heading out the gate.

We sailed around the new Tom Blackaller buoy and headed for the gate, sailing out south of midspan.

That kiteboarder was playing around near the shore of the Marin Headlands, the cliffs providing a great backdrop for the colorful kite.

Later, he was playing in the wake of the ferry as shown in this video clip:

We sailed out a short ways and then fell off toward Horseshoe Cove and eventually sailing up the shore of the headlands in light winds, eventually gybing and heading back east, getting into stronger winds and watching as this sailboat headed for Sausalito with full canvas flying and main luffing dramatically.

We were soon blasting toward home port on a beam reach with apparent winds of 15 knots or so more southerly than usual, with the breee softening further as we approached the city which was enjoying brilliant late afternoon sunshine.

The flags on the end of pier 39 were fluttering in the breeze of about 10 knots.

We sailed into the lee of pier 35 to douse sail and thne motored around the pier as we prepared for landing, and then landed fine with a moderate ebb flowing through the marina.

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